The new modified Q-Q plot for assessing multivariate normality with confidence
วันเพ็ญ จันทรังษี
วันเพ็ญ จันทรังษี
เสกสรร เกียรติสุไพบูลย์
2 พ.ค. 2559
1. To construct the simultaneous intervals associated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnovs D, Michaels (1983), and the other tests based on Chantarangsi et al. (2015).
2. To provide a set of simultaneous probability intervals on Q-Q plots, in order to make an objective rule on whether the points are close to a straight line.
3. To compare the powers of these graphical tests with some numerical tests such as Mardias and Henze-Zirklers MVN tests.
4. To publish two papers in international journals in Q1-Q3 of Science Citation Index (SCI) of ISI Web of Science or one paper in Q1.