Connected Domination Critical Graphs with Cut Vertices
ภวธน เขมะวิชานุรัตน์
ภวธน เขมะวิชานุรัตน์
นวรัตน์ อนันต์ชื่น
3 เม.ย. 2560
This research concerns with the following studies :
1. Find the upper bound of the number of cut vertices of k- -edge critical graphs for k 5.
2. For k 5, study the properties of the k- -edge critical graphs having the number of cut vertices equal or closed to the upper bound.
3. Solve the realizable problem to find the existence of k- -edge critical graphs, for k 5, of prescribe the number of cut vertices.
4. For k 5, determine whether or not every k- -edge critical graph having the number of cut vertices equal to the upper bound contains a perfect matching.